John Lister

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Angry Reaction Forces ISP To Drop Tracking Scheme

A leading cable firm has abandoned plans to monitor its customers' Internet use and sell the results to advertisers. Charter Communications, which is either the third or fourth biggest US cable company (depending on which stats you follow) announced ... the scheme in May. It planned to use the services of NebuAd, a California advertising firm which installs a physical device on an Internet provider's network. This device takes extremely detailed information about each individual customer's web use and then sends relevant adverts directly to their computer as they use the Internet. It's possible ... (view more)

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Google Launches New Tool For Advertisers

Google has unveiled a system that will make it easier for online advertisers to find websites that can help reach their target audience. 'Ad Planner' is currently in testing and only available to selected customers, but the plan is to eventually ... make it available to everyone free of charge. Google's new stud should be remarkably simple to use, as advertisers simply type in details of their target demographic and some examples of websites they already know appeal to that audience. The system then returns a list of the best matches, along with details of the overall audience for each site and ... (view more)

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Google Website Tracker Has Ironic Flaw

A new Google tool to track the comparative popularity of websites has a notable hitch: it doesn't measure Google itself. The service also doesn't cover sites owned by Google, such as YouTube or Blogger. Google Trends for Websites is an extension of ... the existing service which measures the phrases people are looking for most often and how popularity changes over time. The new service tracks websites, making it a competitor to established trackers such as Any user can get a graph showing traffic over time, while registered users can get further details such as estimated numbers and a ... (view more)

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Gates Speaks Out In Farewell Week

As Bill Gates officially leaves Microsoft to concentrate on his charity work, he's been giving a host of interviews featuring some intriguing stories from the big boss' perspective. Speaking to CNET, Gates revealed that Microsoft once had secret ... talks to discuss a merger with Lotus, a rival in the 1980s which developed both the 1-2-3 spreadsheet (one of the earliest successful PC applications aimed at a mass audience) and Lotus Notes (an email and messaging package designed for use in company networks). He also recalled that IBM actually withdrew an invitation for Microsoft staff to attend ... (view more)

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Major Changes On Cards For Website Address System

There are major changes in store for the way Internet addresses work; The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann), which runs the system used to 'translate' website addresses to the particular computer used to store each site's ... content, held its annual general meeting this week. It has backed plans to completely overhaul the top level domain system, which involves the letters that come after the final period in a site address. At the moment, the only letters which can be used are a two letter code for each country (such as .ca for Canada), or a few generic domains such as ... (view more)

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Teens Hack Grades The Modern Way

If you love your 80s teen movies, you'll be very familiar with plots in which geeky teenagers (often played by Matthew Broderick) use dial-up modems and green-screen monitors to hack into their school computers and change their grades. Two ... California students have recently been charged over similar incidents where they reportedly used a blend of 21st century hacking and old fashioned brute force. Rather than simply looking in the principal's assistant's drawer for the password, they allegedly broke into the school and installed spyware on staff computers so that they could remotely access the ... (view more)

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When's An iPhone Worth $425? When You're AT&T

Many people have been wondering why the new 3G iPhone is much cheaper than expected. It turns out wireless carrier AT ... (view more)

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Microsoft Gets Thumbs Up From Regulators

Microsoft lawyers will be relieved today after the Chinese government appeared to deny reports that the company could fall foul of new anti-trust laws. The denial follows a report in a government-run newspaper, Shanghai Security News, which said ... officials were investigating large software companies. The report claimed local tech firms might bring legal action under laws which come into force on August 1. The main objection seemed to be that Microsoft has used its dominance in the Chinese market to price Windows (the equivalent of US $145-290) and Microsoft Office ($580-725) so high that the ... (view more)

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Microsoft Searches For Answers On European Trip

Microsoft is launching a centre in Europe to study search technology, following the example of a similar facility in China. According to the firm, it's part of a specific plan to "help accelerate Microsoft's investments in Live Search and disrupt ... the search and advertising marketplace." That appears to be corporate speak for "compete better against Google and Yahoo". There's no official word yet on where Microsoft will choose as a site for the facility, though it has recently bought Fast Search and Transfer, a search engine company based in Norway that developed the site. ... (view more)

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Microsoft Becomes An Open Source Partner...Kinda

Industry analysts are scratching their heads after Microsoft recently decided to join a project measuring how people are using open source software. The Open Source Census is run by OpenLogic, a company that aims to help organisations obtain, use ... and control open source software -- programs where the underlying code is open to everyone to see and to share ideas on improving it. The project launched in April and has so far taken details from more than 200,000 places where open source software is being used. It's got several industry backers, but Microsoft has become by far the biggest. It's ... (view more)


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