Brandon Dimmel

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Reports Suggest Wal-Mart Ready to Stock iPhone

Although it recently appeared on Yahoo's list of the most over-hyped tech products in recent memory, the Apple iPhone is clearly a consumer favorite. Taking note, as always, is Wal-Mart, as reports suggest the retail goliath is prepared to stock the ... popular device by the end of the month. According to store employees (I guess $8 an hour doesn't keep one muzzled) and various other media reports, Wal-Mart should have the popular touch-screen device on its shelves by the time Americans ring in the New Year. Officially, Wal-Mart spokespeople have stated that the company has "made no official ... (view more)

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'PC SMS Receiver', and 'Virtual Clone Drive'

PC SMS Receiver PC SMS Receiver is an application for receiving SMS messages on your computer via a GSM - UMTS mobile phone or modem connected to a serial port, USB, Bluetooth or infrared port. Virtual Clone Drive Virtual ... CloneDrive works and behaves just like a physical CD/DVD drive, however it exists only virtually. Image files generated with CloneDVD or CloneCD can be mounted onto a virtual drive from your hard-disk or from a network drive and used in the same manner as inserting them into a normal CD/DVD drive. Probably the best virtual drive software, Virtual ... (view more)

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Sony Announces Heavy Cutbacks

Facing an economic crisis that is hitting Japanese electronics companies harder than their American competitors, Sony has announced that it will lay off about 8,000 workers in the coming weeks. Sony, the Japanese tech giant responsible for the ... PlayStation 3, Bravia TVs, Blu-ray players, and just about any other type of handy home device you can think of, currently employs about 160,000 full-time workers. However, due to continued economic worries the company plans to lay off a combination of full-time, contract, and temporary employees, totalling about 8,000 cuts. Sony also plans to tighten ... (view more)

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'Shock Bookmark', and 'Gmail Squared'

Shock Bookmark Shock Bookmark allows a user to add great web pages, directories, files, and Internet URLs to his or her 'Favorite' menu with little more than a right click. Shock Bookmark is useful for anyone that wants to speed up and streamline ... their web browsing abilities. Gmail Squared This application will register mailto: links to open in Gmail via Chrome with the app tag so they launch as applications. If you do not have Google Chrome installed, it will launch your default browser. Another application that will help speed up your Internet browsing! http://johneboy. ... (view more)

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'Vista Start Menu', and 'Everything'

Vista Start Menu Vista Start Menu (VSM) is the convenient alternative to the plain Start menu you find in Windows XP and Windows Vista. The program uses your cognitive abilities, including visual memory, reflexes, etc. While it is easily ... understandable for beginners, VSM is also great for experienced users. Vista Start Menu is is safe because it does not change your system settings, thus making it easy to install, as well as simple to remove. Go ahead and try replacing your Start menu right now! Everything Everything is a fast folder-and file-name search engine ... (view more)

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XP Blue Edition: And the Microsoft Crusade Against Fraud

Just in case we forgot Microsoft was leading the charge against pirated software, the company recently revealed that it has filed 63 new actions against counterfeiters in twelve different countries around the world. According to Matt Lundy, ... Microsoft's senior attorney on its anti-counterfeiting team, the actions have been taken against individuals accused of pirating versions of Microsoft Office, Windows operating system XP, and a number of other products. Much of the counterfeit software was resold at online auction sites, says Lundy. Those on the wrong end of legal action hail from just ... (view more)

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Identity Theft Worm Hits Facebook

How appropriate. Koobface, a sinister virus that attacks users with spyware and searches their system for sensitive passwords and credit card numbers, has now been found on Facebook, the super-popular social networking site. Given that most readers ... of this column will either use Facebook today or know someone else who may, Koobface poses a daunting threat to the online community. How does Koobface work? According to reports, the virus spreads via messages sent between friends on the site. When one user is infected, his or her account will send messages to friends like, "you just look awesome ... (view more)

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'5 IE Extensions', and 'WebThermometer'

5 IE Extensions You Never Knew Existed Five excellent Internet Explorer extensions that you never knew existed, including RCGoogle, IECopySelectedLinks, Find As You Type, Favorites Search, and Web Archives Viewer. You'll be blown away by how useful ... some of these fantastic tools can be. WebThermometer and NetThermometer WebThermometer and NetThermometer are a couple of utilities to measure the temperature remotely on the browser via HTTP (the former) or TCP/IP (the latter). If everyone attaches the web thermometer to his computer connected to internet we will ... (view more)

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Apple Antivirus Warning Pulled from Company Website

Not long after reports surfaced describing Apple's first-ever recommendation that owners of its computers use antivirus software, the company has pulled that very statement from its official web site. The admission that users should use an antivirus ... program when using a Macbook was especially surprising to Mac and even PC owners. For years, Apple has proudly flaunted the fact that few viral or spyware threats exist for the niche computer line. However, as early as Tuesday night Apple ripped that warning down, dismissing it as "old and inaccurate", according to one spokesperson for the company ... (view more)

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'Wireless Net View', and 'Lansweeper'

Wireless Net View WirelessNetView is a small utility that runs in the background and monitors the activity of wireless networks around you. For each detected network, it displays all necessary factors to help you connect better, including SSID, Last ... Signal Quality, Average Signal Quality, and more. Lansweeper Lansweeper is a powerful freeware solution that takes a complete software, hardware, asset inventory of your windows network. With Lansweeper, you can: find unknown running processes, spyware, browser hijacks; use the webconsole or custom queries to use your ... (view more)


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