Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

Removing IE8 from Win7 Not Enough: Euro Commission

Last week Microsoft announced it would try its best to avoid antitrust charges in Europe by shipping Windows 7 without Internet Explorer 8 . Unfortunately, it seems few abroad are satisfied with that move. Some felt it was a gracious move by the ... Redmond-based company, which has been under antitrust investigation by the European Union since complaints were first made in 2001. EC: Still Not Enough Surprisingly, European regulators still aren't impressed. In a statement released over the weekend, the European Commission rejected Microsoft's offer, stating that it felt the move would not increase ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Executor', and 'Win CD Emu'

Executor Executor is a multi purpose program launcher that searches your Start Menu for keywords and a lot more. Also included as an advanced 'Run' dialogue box. Win CD Emu WinCDEmu is open-source software that allows you to ... mount CD/DVD drive images (.ISO, for example) by clicking at the image files in Windows Explorer. It supports both Windows XP and Vista, making it convenient for and compatible with most systems. Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City. Please note that the below software ... (view more)

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'Weirdest Cosmology Theories', and 'Customize Right Click'

Weirdest Cosmology Theories Cosmology is one of the most creative and bizarre areas of science. Explore some of the strangest ideas in this exclusive feature that promises to keep you thinking for hours on end. At least, that's our theory. ... Customize Right Click Want to get more out that fascinating right click feature? This program offers step by step instructions for customizing the options that appear on the right-click menu for various file types. Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City. ... (view more)

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Windows 7E: Special Edition Ships in Europe, Sans IE

Microsoft has received more plenty of flak from its competitors and European investigative bodies over its inclusion of the Internet Explorer browser with each copy of Windows. Now it appears the Redmond-based company has decided to make things ... right, sort of, by not including IE in a 'special' version of Windows 7. According to reports, Microsoft will call the special version of its much-anticipated operating system Windows 7 E. This IE8-free edition of the OS is a reaction to antitrust investigations into Microsoft's traditional inclusion of Internet Explorer with its uber-popular operating ... (view more)

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'Online Armor', and 'SSH and SCP Programs'

Online Armor Online Armor is a free firewall that help to block hackers, malicious programs, while protecting your online. SSH and SCP Programs Interested in SSH and SCP programs but not sure which ones are best for you and ... your needs? Here's a handy comparison of free SSH and SCP programs for Windows 9x, NT, ME, 2000 and XP. Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City. Please note that the below software descriptions are provided solely from the developer and are absent from any guarantee or warranty. ... (view more)

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Controversy Erupts over Best Buy Memo, Rips Vista

Big news was made yesterday when a leaked Best Buy memo revealed the retailer's plans to sell Microsoft's highly anticipated Windows 7 operating system as early as June, for as cheap as $49.99. Interesting enough, the same memo characterizes ... Microsoft's last OS, Windows Vista, as outdated. Yesterday it was announced, or unearthed, that Best Buy would make available for pre-release the Win7 Home Premium Upgrade and Windows 7 Professional Upgrade from June 26 until July 11. Each would cost $49.99 and $99.99, respectively, with shipments arriving after the October 22 release. "Less ... (view more)

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'Windows 7 Setup Secrets', and 'Gmail Growl'

Windows 7 Setup Secrets Not sure how to go about setting up your brand new copy of Windows 7? New reports suggest it could be available as early as June 26, so it's high time you read a guide that will help you maximize its efficiency and ... convenience. Gmail Growl Using Growl for Windows, Gmail Growl keeps you updated on new mails in your Gmail Inbox in a fancy way. In addition to notifications for new mails, Gmail Growl gives you direct access to your Gmail Inbox and you can compose new mails from the system tray. Today's fresh software ... (view more)

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Win7 June Release, Leaked Memo Suggests

Can't wait for Microsoft's Windows 7? Rumors are swirling that Best Buy may actually have a limited time early bird sale of the much-anticipated operating system. Last week we were amongst the first to report Microsoft's official release date for ... Windows 7: October 22. That's significantly earlier than most of our expectations; the bulk of insiders had for a long time speculated that home and small business users wouldn't get their hands on the OS until early next year. Best Buy Early Bird Now there's word that Best Buy might actually make Win 7 available for purchase as early as this very ... (view more)

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'PDF Owner Guard', and 'Windows Command-Line Utilities'

PDF Owner Guard PDF Owner Guard provides PDF (portable document format) security, copy protection, digital rights management (DRM) and a distribution management solution. Together, these technologies are used as a copyright enforcement mechanisms ... and sometimes as an alternative mechanism to copyright law. Windows Command-Line Utilities This useful group of tools promises to make your Windows command line experience a much more convenient one. Included are: VSP: Very Small Pinger, SCRNMODE: Screen Mode Changer, RMMINUSR: Recursive Delete, DOFF: Print Date/Time With ... (view more)

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Blame Canada! Labrador Geese Guilty of US Air Crash

In a strange turn of events, Canadian geese have been pinpointed as the cause of US Airways' Flight 1549 crash into the Hudson River on January 15, 2009. According to reports, a flock of birds collided with the airbus shortly after take off. An ... investigation into the crash has been underway for months. Leading the charge are researchers from the Smithsonian Institution, who sent samples of bird feathers found on the plane to the Feather Identification Laboratory at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. (Source: ) Planes Present Real Threat to Bird Populations ... (view more)


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