Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'High Sign', and 'Everything Search Engine'

High Sign High Sign is an application that allows you to easily create and map custom mouse 'gestures' to perform a set of commands (example: load Internet Explorer) on your Windows PC. Unlike some other mouse gesture recognition software, you are ... not limited to a set of predefined gestures; instead, you are free to create any gesture you can think up. Everything Search Engine 'Everything' is an administrative tool that locates files and folders by filename instantly for Windows. Unlike Windows search, 'Everything' initially displays every file and folder on your ... (view more)

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'Taskbar Ex', and 'Idle Monitor'

Taskbar Ex Drag items off of your Taskbar onto your Desktop with the exciting new program, 'Taskbar Ex'. Idle Monitor Idle Monitor is a handy little program that monitors your computer's idle time, based on mouse movements. ... It can shutdown your computer for you, if left unattended for X number of minutes. Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City. Please note that the below software descriptions are provided solely from the developer and are absent from any guarantee or warranty. You are ... (view more)

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It's Official: PC Makers Receive Win7 'Gold Code'

With its October release date steadily approaching, Microsoft announced today that it has released the code for its highly-anticipated operating system Windows 7 to PC manufacturers. It means the company is pacing itself well for the fall release. ... Just a day after Microsoft created a stir with news of a Windows 7 Family Pack , whereby the OS can be installed on up to three computers, the company has kept the hype up with today's announcement that PC makers, including industry heavyweights Hewlett-Packard, Acer, and Dell, will now be loading Win7 on new computers. (Source: ) ... (view more)

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'Google Live Android', and 'Google Voice'

Google Live Android Run the Google mobile operating system on your PC a bootable "Live" CD for x86 platforms. Simply burn the image to a disc, stick it in a CD-ROM drive, and reboot your computer and you can check out the Android operating system ... without installing it or affecting any files on your PC. Google Voice Google Voice allows you to combine all your phone numbers, screen calls, block calls, and rings based on who's calling. Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City. Please note that ... (view more)

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MS Reveals Windows 7 Family Pack

Worried about having to install Windows 7 on more than one computer? Sometimes copy protected programs can be awfully expensive, but thankfully Microsoft has announced its plans for a Windows 7 Family Pack, which can be installed on up to three PCs. ... Microsoft revealed the new Win7 option late Tuesday afternoon, and the announcement has been generating plenty of buzz ever since. Unfortunately, prices for the Family Pack remain just speculation. What we do know is that the Family Pack will consists of the Windows 7 Home Premium version. (Source: ) Family Pack Tops Consumer Wish List ... (view more)

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'Sphider', and 'Windows Virtual PC'

Sphider Sphider is a lightweight web spider and search engine written in PHP, using MySQL as its back end database. It is a great tool for adding search functionality to your web site or building your custom search engine. ... Windows Virtual PC Windows Virtual PC provides the capability to run multiple Windows environments (such as Windows XP Mode) from your Windows 7 desktop. If you're worried about compatibility issues or just can't forget those older Windows operating systems, give this program a try. Today's fresh software picks were provided ... (view more)

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'DRM is Dead,' Says RIAA

The Recording Industry Association of America, or RIAA, is infamous (or, depending on how you look at it, famous) for its prosecution of regular folk for downloading and ripping music onto personal computers. However, now it seems that the ... organization is willing to admit that their most notorious form of copy protection, DRM, is dead. DRM, or Digital Rights Management, has been used for years to protect legitimate artists from piracy. For a long time, a band and its record company could use DRM technology to prevent the end user from passing an album or a song from computer to computer. The ... (view more)

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'Wiki Taxi', and 'SE-Explorer'

Wiki Taxi Did you ever want to take Wikipedia with you while you are offline? Call on WikiTaxi: a portable application that delivers the Wikipedia of your choice to wherever you go. WikiTaxi enables you to read, search, and browse Wikipedia offline. ... No Internet connection is needed; all pages are stored in a WikiTaxi database. Because Wikipedia is constantly growing, WikiTaxi uses compression to make sure that the database stays reasonably small. The huge English Wikipedia easily fits on a 8 GB memory stick. SE-Explorer Replace standard Windows Explorer with SE- ... (view more)

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Facebook Privacy Flaws Dangerous, Says Report

After a thirteen month investigation, Canada's Privacy Commissioner has announced its finding that Facebook's policies and practices violate Canadian privacy laws. According to Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart, there are "serious privacy gaps" in ... Facebook's operations. A complaint from the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic, or CIPPIC, instigated the investigation, which started in May of last year. The initial complaint was comprised of 24 allegations pertaining to 12 different subjects, including Facebook's default privacy settings, what the site does with member personal ... (view more)

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Mozilla's Firefox 3.5.1 Addresses TraceMonkey Flaw

Mozilla has released the first minor point release in its Firefox 3.5 series, Firefox 3.5.1. The reason? To fix a critical security flaw within the browser's TraceMonkey JavaScript engine. Rest assured, TraceMonkey itself, despite the suspicious ... name, is not a new Conficker virus or something of the sort. On the contrary, TraceMoney is a tool created by Mozilla that improves the JavaScript web browser performance through something called a just-in-time, or JIT compilation engine. Simply put, JIT compiles code earlier and improves the performance of the Mozilla web browser. Mozilla Tracing ... (view more)


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