Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'Network Search Engine', and 'Mute on Lock'

Network Search Engine Network Search Engine is a self-contained index-based network search engine that indexes all files in your local area network and provides users with the ability to locate necessary files within a few seconds. It returns ... blazingly fast search results to users, even when large numbers of shared files and folders are present. Mute on Lock Mute on Lock is a tiny resident utility that sits in the system tray allows you to lock your Windows workstation and mute the sound of your speakers. With the help of this program you can quickly mute or un-mute ... (view more)

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Critics Wary of Microsoft's Waledac Botnet Takedown

Microsoft recently administered a devastating blow to the Waledac botnet , one of the world's biggest networks of compromised computers and as such a huge contributor of spam and malware to the world wide web. One would think this was good news for ... Internet users everywhere (and in many ways, it is) -- however, some critics are wondering if the end justified the means. Microsoft Sidesteps ISPs According to Richard Boscovich, Microsoft's senior attorney within its Digital Crimes Unit, the attack on Waledac began when Microsoft filed a formal complaint with the U.S. District Court of Eastern ... (view more)

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MS Browser Ballot To Have Little Impact, Survey Says

The Microsoft Windows browser ballot campaign is officially under way. As of yesterday morning, the Redmond, Washington-based software company began asking European Union (EU) users which browser they wanted to be designated their default web tool. ... The browser ballot is Microsoft's response to European Commission allegations that its Windows operating system, which has typically shipped with Microsoft's own Internet Explorer as the default web browser, is violating antitrust law. Microsoft last year said it would appease its critics by offering a selection of the most popular web browsers for ... (view more)

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'Desktop OK', and 'Console Palette Changer'

Desktop OK Save and restore the positions of icons. DesktopOK is a small but effective solution for users that constantly change their screen resolution often. Console Palette Changer Console Palette Changer is a utility ... which lets a user edit and load customized color palettes for the Windows console (formerly called the DOS prompt). If you spend a lot of time in the Windows console, you'll appreciate this fine utility. Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City, in partnership with Infopackets. ... (view more)

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'SIP Softphone', and 'Smart Call Monitor'

SIP Softphone The SIP softphone gives you everything you need to facilitate communication around the office. Audio and video quality is exceptionally good and the program is fully compatible with a number of different SIP servers including, MS ... Office Communications Server, and the free OfficeSIP Server. Smart Call Monitor SmartCallMonitor is phone monitoring software. It automatically tries to match incoming phone calls with data stored in your Microsoft Outlook contacts to provide you with information about the caller -- for example: by name, address, etc. The ... (view more)

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Google Search Can Make You Smarter, Study Suggests

It's one of the most important and yet difficult questions of our time: does the Google Internet search contribute to our understanding of the world, or does its frantic quest for quick and easy answers make us less likely to seek out better, more ... in-depth responses to our questions? In short, does the Internet make us dumb, or not? According to a recent study, the answer appears to be 'no'. Internet Search: Skimming Versus Reading The study's roots reach back to summer 2009, when in an article for the publication Atlantic Monthly analyst Nicholas Carr asked himself the very same question. "I ... (view more)

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'Command Line In Windows', and '25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors'

Command Line In Windows Windows is famous for its graphical user interface (GUI), yet many computer users that use Windows never knew that there exists something called a Command Line, which provides many useful Windows functions. ... is a website dedicated to commands you can use in Windows on the command line. 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors The Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors is a list of the most widespread computer programming errors that can lead to serious software vulnerabilities. They are often easy to find, and easy to exploit. ... (view more)

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Decade-Old Windows Flaw Results in Blue Screen of Death

A recently discovered decade-old denial-of-service condition could cause the instantaneous crash of a system and present users with the now-infamous blue screen of death, says a group of researchers. The condition was discovered this week by a ... collection of researchers in Malta, the tiny southern European archipelago in the middle of the Mediterranean. According to Paul Gafa, CTO of 2X Software, if a user launches an application containing the malicious code, they could find their systems crashed. "You can be the least privileged user on the system and still crash it," Gafa said. (Source: ... (view more)

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Windows 7 Early Adoption Rate Doubles Vista

Windows 7 has been available to the wider public since October 22, 2009, a period of five months. According to a new report, in that time it has accumulated twice as many users as its predecessor, Windows Vista, over the same amount of time ... following its release in late January, 2007. The findings are provided by California-based web analysts They found that Windows 7, as of this past Sunday, accounted for about 9 per cent of all operating systems (OS) being used online. By contrast, Windows Vista had just a 4.5 per cent share of the OS market five months after its ... (view more)

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'SSD Drive Tweaker', and 'Remote Process Explorer'

SSD Drive Tweaker With this application, you can help speed up your Solid State Disk (SSD) drive access by disabling / enabling specific Windows Services, including: Indexing Service, System Restore, Windows Defrag, Use Large System Cache, and more. ... Remote Process Explorer Remote Process Explorer is a powerful tool for managing, monitoring and analyzing processes on a local or remote computer. You can also use Remote Process Explorer to run a new process, kill a process or change its priority on remote PC's. Free for non-commercial use. http://lizardsystems. ... (view more)


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