Brandon Dimmel

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Windows XP 'Trick' Gets Security Updates, but Risky

A special hack for the Window XP registry reportedly allows users of the aging operating system (OS) to access security updates -- even though Microsoft has officially stopped supporting the operating system as of April, 2014. The hack was first ... discovered last week. It 'tricks' Windows XP computers into believing they are running a special variant of the Windows XP operating system known as Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, which is often used for ATMs and cash registers. According to reports, Microsoft plans to support this unique off-shoot of Windows XP for another five years. Registry Hack ... (view more)

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'Patch My PC', and 'Wavepad 5.81'

Patch My PC Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with all of the patches available for the software installed on your system. Patch My PC helps to automatically patch / update third-party applications, thereby helping to reduce any potential ... security vulnerabilities. Wavepad 5.81 Wavepad is a fully-featured audio editing software package for Microsoft's Windows operating system (including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8). It supports a wide range of audio formats, including wav, mp3, ogg, wma, real audio, and flac. (view more)

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Google Too White, Male, Executive Says

A senior executive at Google thinks his company has a serious racial diversity problem. Recent statistics released by the high-profile technology firm, which reveal that just 2 per cent of Google's workforce is black, appear to support that claim. ... Google Overwhelmingly Male, White, Stats Show Earlier this week Google released diversity numbers which show that 61 per cent of the company's workforce is white while 30 per cent are Asian. Only 2 and 3 per cent of Google's employees are black and Hispanic, respectively. Google is also overwhelmingly male, with men making up 70 per cent ... (view more)

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'War Thunder 1.41 Beta', and 'Ginger 3.5.21'

War Thunder 1.41 Beta Got a thing for World War II fighter planes and tanks? Then check out War Thunder, a free-to-play online multiplayer game that pits Axis against Allies. War Thunder allows players to fly hundreds of different planes with highly ... detailed cockpits and dozens of upgradeable weapons. Ginger 3.5.21 Even the strongest writer makes the occasional grammar or spelling mistake. That's where Ginger -- an English language proofreading assistant -- can help. This powerful and very handy product is available for both desktop and mobile devices. http://www. ... (view more)

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'Photivo 2014.01.18', and 'Exportizer 5.3.9'

Photivo 2014.01.18 This free and open source photo processor allows users to customize favorite images. It supports RAW files as well as TIFF, JPEG, BMP, and PNG and is compatible with Mac OS X, Linux, and Microsoft Windows. ... Exportizer 5.3.9 This free database export tool allows users to export data to file, clipboard, or printer. A highly accessible program interface makes carrying out export operations very easy. This program is compatible with every version of Windows since Windows 98. (view more)

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Renowned 'LulzSec' Hacker Could Walk Free

The United States government has recommended the court trying world-renowned hacker Hector Xavier Monsegur -- better known as " Sabu " -- show leniency. It's a controversial recommendation that could see the hacker walk out of court a free man later ... this week. Monsegur has been in custody since 2011. He was once was a part of international hacking group LulzSec , which carried out a series of cyber crimes against major corporations, such as Sony. The group has also waged hacking campaigns against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. Senate, and Infragard, a security ... (view more)

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'Disk Savvy 6.4.12', and 'ReNamer 5.75'

Disk Savvy 6.4.12 This unique tool can analyze your disks, network devices, and enterprise storage systems and then provide you with a detailed performance report which features statistics and pie charts. Overall, Disk Savvy gives you an in-depth ... look at how your disks are being used. ReNamer 5.75 As the name suggests, this tool can be used to rename many different files and folders quickly and easily. ReNamer allows you to change prefixes, suffixes, file extensions, etc. This program even allows users to combine multiple renaming actions as a rule set, allowing them ... (view more)

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Facebook Users Can Expect 'Privacy Checkup' Soon

Facebook wants its users to carry out regular 'privacy checkups' in hopes of winning back trust. The privacy checkup features allows users to choose how much of their personal information is visible to the general public, including photographs, ... email addresses, and smartphone numbers. According to The New York Times, Facebook's new privacy checkup is a response to user and investor concerns that the social networking site's privacy settings are too complicated , making it difficult for many users to protect their personal data. Privacy Checkup to Include Walkthrough of New App ... (view more)

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'Google Hangouts 2.1.1', and 'Microsoft Debug Diagnostic Tool 2.0'

Google Hangouts 2.1.1 This popular tool allows users to quickly and easily start video conversations with groups of friends, family, and colleagues. Users can then send each other videos, photographs, and other files. Hangouts can be used on a ... computer, smartphone, and tablet PC. Microsoft Debug Diagnostic Tool 2.0 Is your computer too slow or constantly crashing? Microsoft's Debug Diagnostic Tool allows users to troubleshoot annoying performance issues by providing a comprehensive analysis of your system. This newest version provides an entirely new and more ... (view more)

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'BrowsingHistoryView 1.51', and 'PIXresizer 2.0.7'

BrowsingHistoryView 1.51 This handy little tool reads the browsing history of four different Internet browsers -- including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari -- and displays pertinent information in a single table. It allows you to ... quickly and easily access the history of multiple browsers. PIXresizer 2.0.7 Sending big and bulky files can be a hassle for everyone involved. PIXresizer helps prevent long upload and download times by allowing you to create smaller, email-friendly versions of your favorite digital images. This program is compatible with JPEG, ... (view more)


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