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Windows 8 Full Upgrade: OEM Edition Only

New reports suggest Microsoft may be planning to force users of build-your-own PCs and machines running non-Windows operating systems (OS) to install the manufacturer version of Windows 8. If true, those users could face some serious drawbacks. ... Normally, the majority of customers buy Windows through one of two routes: either by buying a PC with the operating system (OS) pre-installed, or by upgrading their current computer to the new OS from a previous version of Windows. Those affected by the reported policy change fall into two other, much smaller groups of operating system buyers: people ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Boots Up Much Faster Than Windows 7: Test

Last week, Microsoft announced it would offer Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 users the option to upgrade to Windows 8 for just under $40. To many onlookers, this offer appeared to be a desperate move designed to arouse more interest in a ... not-so-anticipated upcoming operating system (OS) due later this year. However, it appears there may actually be good reason to make the upgrade: according to recent speed tests conducted by PC Magazine's Michael Muchmore, Windows 8 is legitimately faster than Windows 7 in several key areas. To perform the tests, Muchmore used a single PC: a Toshiba ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Upgrade: XP, Vista Users to Lose Settings

According to a new report, users of Microsoft's three-year-old Windows 7 operating system (OS) are the only ones who will be able to upgrade to Windows 8 without losing files or custom settings. For users of an older Windows OS, such as Windows XP ... or Windows Vista, this news may make the upcoming debut of Windows 8 somewhat less attractive. In a report released late last week, ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley showed off a Windows 8 upgrade guide which she says is based on information gleaned from sources within Microsoft. Full Upgrades Easy for Windows 7 Users Foley has learned that users of the home- ... (view more)

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Beware Internet Explorer Zero-Day Hack: Microsoft

Microsoft is warning its customers that a newly discovered flaw in its Internet Explorer (IE) web browser could allow hackers to execute malicious code and take control of an unsuspecting user's computer. That would give a cyber-criminal the ability ... to use the computer and all its resources for unknown, possibly illegal, purposes. Microsoft has indicated that users of every recent version of the Windows operating system (OS), including Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, are vulnerable to such an attack. Beware Email Links from Suspicious Sources The Redmond, Washington-based software ... (view more)

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Asus Windows 8 Tablet Uses New Dual-Core Intel Chip

PC hardware companies Dell and Asus have doubled-down on their enthusiasm for Microsoft's upcoming operating system (OS), Windows 8. Both firms recently revealed plans for new devices running the much anticipated OS. In a recent presentation at ... research firm Gartner's annual security and risk management conference, Dell chief executive officer Michael Dell expressed serious excitement about Windows 8. He made clear that Dell will have a number of Windows 8 devices ready when the new Microsoft OS launches later in 2012. Dell "Super Excited" Over Windows 8 Dell told the crowd that he ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Release Preview Available Now

Microsoft has just announced that the Release Preview edition of its upcoming Windows 8 operating system (OS) is now available for download. This is generally considered the last build of the OS prior to its official launch, expected this fall. But ... don't confuse this version of the new OS with the Consumer Preview, which Microsoft released back in February, 2012. The Release Preview is generally considered much closer to the final product that will actually hit store shelves. Performance Improved, Apps Added There have been a few additions and improvements to the new OS since the Consumer ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Consumer Preview Now Available to Public

Microsoft has finally unveiled the first publicly available edition of its upcoming Windows 8 operating system (OS). While this version of the new OS is far from complete, it does give users a solid idea of what Microsoft has done to update its ... flagship product for use with mobile devices, like tablets and smartphones. "It's an even better Windows than Windows 7," Microsoft Windows director Steven Sinofsky said at a recent demonstration of the new OS, which took place at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. "It's incredibly fast and fluid to just navigate this UI (user interface ... (view more)

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Microsoft Unveils Windows 8 at BUILD Conference

After months of waiting, developers have finally got their first peek at Microsoft's next operating system (OS), Windows 8. The major difference between Windows 8 and any other version of Windows, for that matter, is that it embraces tablet ... computing and tablet technology from the ground up. The demonstration came Tuesday during Microsoft's first BUILD developers conference in Anaheim, California (the show runs until September 16). About 5,000 developers are expected to attend the event. (Source: pcworld.com ) Sinofsky: Windows 8 is "Reimagined" According to Microsoft Windows ... (view more)

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Apple User Charged \$4,000 for OS X Lion Download

How much are you willing to spend on a brand-spanking-new operating system? $50? $100? $200? How about $4,000? $4,000 is the ghastly sum that was allegedly charged to the PayPal account of one Apple fan who recently downloaded the Cupertino-based ... company's newest operating system, Mac OS X Lion. Released July 20, 2011, Mac OS X Lion is the most recent version of Apple's flagship operating system. In just its first day of availability, Lion took a serious bite out the competition, being downloaded a reported one million times. It's the best start for any Apple OS, ever. (Source: eweek.com ) ... (view more)

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'FastCopy 2.05', and 'BitMeter OS 0.7.1 Beta 2'

FastCopy 2.05 FastCopy is a fast Copy/Delete Software for Windows. It supports UNICODE and over MAX_PATH (260 byte) file pathnames. It automatically selects different methods according to whether Source and the Destination directory are in the same ... or different hard disk drive. http://ipmsg.org BitMeter OS 0.7.1 Beta 2 BitMeter OS is a free, open-source, bandwidth monitor that works on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. BitMeter OS keeps track of how much you use your internet/network connection, and allows you to view this information in a variety of ways. http://codebox.org.uk This freeware ... (view more)


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