los angeles

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Sprint Smartphone Sold with Adult Content, Man Says

A Los Angeles, California, man is suing Sprint because he says the telecommunications firm sold his young son a smartphone with adult content already installed. Arsen Garibyan told Los Angeles reporters that he purchased the phone from a Pasadena, ... California-based Sprint dealer two years ago. He says that, when his underage son began using the device at home, he soon discovered illicit images and videos. According to the suit, which has been filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, "After a few minutes, (the boy) started asking, 'Daddy, what is this?' ... When Mr. Garibyan looked at the telephone ... (view more)

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'Smart Parking' Alerts Drivers to Available Space

New, high-tech mobile services are being designed to help drivers in congested cities find parking spaces. It's hoped these services will help save time and reduce pollution throughout the United States. These innovations are made possible through ... communications between a host of mobile applications and sensors planted into parking meters and parking spaces. This new form of technology has even been given a name: "smart parking." Meter Time, Parking Space Info Available Among the more prolific services available is "Streetline," which embeds wireless sensors in parking spaces ... (view more)

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The Newest Force Against Internet Piracy: The Boy Scouts?!

Young Boy Scouts all over Los Angeles now have a new reason to put on their uniforms, pull up their knee-high socks, line up their merit badges, and fill up their cookie boxes. That's because the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has just ... joined forces with the Los Angeles Area Boy Scouts. Pitching a tent, starting a fire, crusading against Internet movie piracy -- it's all in a day's work for the Scouts. Here are a few excerpts from the official MPAA curriculum distributed to the Scouts: "Identify five types of copyrighted works (two may be your own). For each, give the author/ ... (view more)

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