
Dennis Faas's picture

'Google Sitemaps Generator', and 'Hijack This'

Google Sitemaps Generator Google Sitemaps are an easy Google-approved way for you to help improve your coverage in the Google index. This sweet little app will generate sitemaps for you to submit to Google. ... Hijack This Homepage hijacker detector and remover. Initially based on the article Hijacked!, but expanded with almost a dozen other checks against hijacker tricks. It is continually updated to detect and remove new hijacks. It does not target specific programs/URLs, just the methods used by hijackers to force you onto their sites. http ... (view more)

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What if Snoop Dogg was the CEO of Google?

Have you ever played the game "What if ... ?" What if the Sky was Hot Pink instead of Blue? What if Coffee tasted like Bubblegum? What if Rapper Snoop Dogg was the CEO of Infopackets Reader Max F. writes: " Dear Dennis, is by ... far the best search engine on the planet, providing the most accurate search results and plenty of other great services. But what if Snoop Dogg was the CEO of Google? The other day a friend of mine sent me an Instant Message via MSN Messenger with a link to a hilarious spoof of Google. The site name is called 'Gizoogle' and it looks ... (view more)

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Search Engines and Algorithms, Part 2

RE: search engines and algorithms One of the determining factors in the way that Google ranks a web site depends on something called link popularity. In fact, Google has patented technology known as "Page Rank", which lists sites based on how many ... other web sites are pointing to it (by the use of web links). For example: Lockergnome has very high link popularity because many other web sites on the Internet are linked to Lockergnome. Essentially, Google considers that: if a web page / site (such as Lockergnome) is regarded by a large number of other web sites, it increases the ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Internet Explorer 6 Spyware -- Alexa Registry Key, Part 3

I was fortunate enough to receive a message from the Product Manager of Alexa, Geoff Mack. His concerns were about our ongoing discussion of whether or not Internet Explorer contains Alexa Spyware . I'd like to take this time now to share his ... concerns. Geoff writes: " Hello, My name is Geoffrey Mack, Product Manager at Alexa, an company. I am writing to disagree with your assertion that the Alexa Toolbar is spyware. First, it is helpful to define Spyware. The definition is here . In short, Spyware is: software that gets on your machine without your permission, and tracks your ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Internet Explorer 6 Spyware -- Alexa Registry Key, Part 2

I had a few people email me with regards to the Alexa Registry Key (Spyware) that Chris B. submitted yesterday. OK, So is the Alexa registry key Spyware or not? There is much debate . Let me try to outline some of the issues. 1. It has been said ... that the "Spyware" part of the tool will only activate if you choose to use the Alexa tool provided in Internet Explorer. Long story short: you can't activate the Spyware component used in Alexa if you don't use the Alexa tool. You have the ability to change this (see below). 2. Spyware software is considered "Spyware" because ... (view more)


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