
Dennis Faas's picture

'Executor', and 'Win CD Emu'

Executor Executor is a multi purpose program launcher that searches your Start Menu for keywords and a lot more. Also included as an advanced 'Run' dialogue box. http://www.executor.dk Win CD Emu WinCDEmu is open-source software that allows you to ... mount CD/DVD drive images (.ISO, for example) by clicking at the image files in Windows Explorer. It supports both Windows XP and Vista, making it convenient for and compatible with most systems. http://wincdemu.sysprogs.org Today's fresh software picks were provided courtesy of Bob Helmer at Shell Extension City. Please note that the below software ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Executor', and 'Easy Shut Sys'

Executor This is launcher and a more powerful and customizable version of Windows run. http://www.executor.dk/ Easy Shut Sys Provides support to shut down, log off and restart windows system at a specified date and time. ... http://soarersoft.com/easyshutsys.htm/ (view more)

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