
John Lister's picture

Windows Update a Must For Wi-Fi Threat

The latest Windows update fixes a nasty bug that could put users at risk when connected to public WiFi. An attacker could exploit it simply by using the same network. The bug, with the reference number CVE-2024-30078, is rated as "important" by ... Microsoft. That rating takes into account both how easy it is to exploit and how much damage it would do. (Source: ) The problem is with WiFi drivers, used to make Windows work with the hardware in a computer (usually a laptop) to connect to a wireless network. It would allow hackers to take advantage of the way Internet data is broken up ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Hacker Tries to Poison Water Supply

A hacker tried to poison a city's water supply using software designed to remotely control computers. Officials in Oldsmar, Florida say that even if the attack hadn't been spotted, it would have been unsuccessful. The attacker struck a system that ... treats the water supplied to around 15,000 people. Last Friday, they gained access to a control computer for around three to five minutes through TeamViewer, which appears to have been in place to allow remote work. (Source: ) 100-Fold Lye Increase The computer controlled the levels of some chemicals in the water including ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Thunderbolt Flaw Could Bypass Security, Encryption

A researcher has found a major bug with Thunderbolt port technology that could undermine major security measures on multiple computer systems. There's a big mitigating factor though: an attacker would need extended physical access to the computer in ... order to carry out the exploit. Thunderbolt is a technology that is similar in concept to USB, but adds fiber optic to the usual copper wires. Compared to USB, Thunderbolt has high speed and capacity. Common uses include super-fast device charging (including laptops), 4K video, and extremely quick data transfers. Originally Thunderbolt was only ... (view more)

John Lister's picture

Experts: Windows Feature Can Be Used as Ransomware

Ransomware attackers could turn a key Windows security tool against the system, according to new research. The tactic could also evade leading security tools. The research from SafeBreach Labs covered "EFS", otherwise known as Encrypting File ... System. EFS was released as far back as Windows 2000 (in the year 2000), and is somewhat similar to Bitlocker. The main difference between the two is that Bitlocker can encrypt an entire volume, while EFS can encrypt individual files and folders. In either case, the reason for encrypting files / folders or an entire volume is that if an ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Major Internet Explorer Security Flaw Discovered

A newly-discovered flaw in Microsoft's popular Internet Explorer (IE) web browser could allow hackers to take control of a Windows-based computer. The Redmond, Washington-based firm has acknowledged that the problem exists and that it affects older ... versions of IE. The firm has also released a temporary fix for the problem. Microsoft Advises: Avoid Suspicious Links "Microsoft is aware of targeted attacks that attempt to exploit this vulnerability through Internet Explorer 8," Microsoft said in a security advisory issued on Sunday, December 30, 2012. Microsoft says the remote code ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

Session Hijacking

In computer science, session hijacking is the exploitation of a valid computer session (commonly known as a "session key") used to gain unauthorized access to information or services in a computer system. For example, when a user logs in to a web ... site, the user's PC is tagged with a session key using a browser cookie (a cookie is a small file stored on the users PC that the browser reads). Any time the user requires access to a restricted area of a website (usually requiring login), the session key is extracted from the users' PC and compared to the key stored on the web server. If valid, the ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture


A rootkit is a set of software tools frequently used by a third party (usually an intruder) after gaining access to a computer system. The tools are are intended to conceal running processes, files or system data, which allows the intruder maintain ... access to a system without the user's knowledge. Rootkits are known to exist for a variety of operating systems such as Linux, Solaris and versions of Microsoft Windows. A computer with a rootkit on it is called a rooted computer. Functions of a Rootkit A rootkit typically hides logins, processes, files, and logs and may include software to ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Attacker', and 'Desk Hedron'

Attacker Attacker is a program that will will notify you when a connection or data flows through a TCP/IP communication port. Attacker can minimize to the system tray and play an audible alert. This program is intended to act as a guard dog to ... notify you of attempted probes to your computer via the Internet. Desk Hedron Extremely cool! Desk Hedron is a program for improving the visuals of your desktop. This exciting and scintillating program switches virtual desktops by spin-flipping the old one out in 3D, and then flipping the new one in. A must see! http:// ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture


A rootkit is a set of software tools frequently used by a third party (usually an intruder) after gaining access to a computer system. These tools are intended to conceal running processes, files or system data, which helps an intruder maintain ... access to a system without the user's knowledge. Rootkits are known to exist for a variety of operating systems such as Linux, Solaris and versions of Microsoft Windows. A computer with a rootkit on it is called a rooted computer. Functions of a rootkit A rootkit typically hides logins, processes, files, and logs and may include software to intercept ... (view more)

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Windows Media Player Vulnerability Security Issue -- Q320920

Woops! It looks like Microsoft has goofed again. If you haven't been watching the news lately (maybe you don't get CNN?) -- Microsoft has released a security bulletin ( Q320920 ) regarding a critical flaw in Windows Media Player which can allow an ... attacker to gain unrestricted access to your system. Who is affected? Anyone who is using Windows Media Player version 6.4, 7.1 or Windows Media Player for Windows XP (version 8) should download a software patch to their system immediately. Side note: A software patch is piece of software that fixes a program (which is also software). In this case, ... (view more)

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