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Adobe Accused of Subscription Shadiness

The US government is suing Adobe for allegedly tricking users into subscriptions. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says the company doesn't do enough to warn users about cancellation charges and makes it too hard to cancel. The court case is ... against both Adobe as a company and individually against the company's vice president and its president of digital media business. The key complaint is that Adobe has breached federal consumer protection laws and thus harmed consumers. The individuals are named because they had the authority to make decisions about Adobe's subscriptions policies. ... (view more)

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Adobe Wants $15 A Month To Use Some Colors

Adobe is charging an additional monthly fee to use particular colors in Photoshop. Some users have even seen parts of existing images turn black. The seemingly bizarre policy is all to do with Adobe's commercial agreement with Pantone, a company ... that offers services helping businesses create a consistent color scheme, such as branding. Historically, Adobe included more than 2,000 specific colors that are part of Pantone's "Color Matching Scheme". The idea of the scheme is to use a common reference that means any two uses of the color will look the same, no matter the origin or ... (view more)

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Critical Security Flaw Hits Windows 7 and 8 Hardest

Microsoft has warned users of a significant unpatched security flaw in Windows. It's offered some key steps to take while the problem is being fixed. The problem affects all currently supported versions of Windows, though Windows 7 and 8 machines ... are affected 'critically' according to the Microsoft advisory bulletin. Attacks on Windows 10 machines are considerably more constrained due to its enhanced security features. Microsoft says its currently only aware of targeted attacks on Windows 7 machines, though that could change now the bug has been made public. (Source: ) Adobe ... (view more)

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Adobe Users Shocked By Legal Warning

Adobe has warned users they could be in legal trouble if they carry on using older editions of software. But it seems to be more of a 'legal' technicality than a crackdown. The company wrote to some users of its Creative Cloud applications. That's a ... series of software and services launched in 2011 that replaced the more traditional model of buying Adobe software outright. Instead users now pay a subscription fee and can use the software (and receive updates to the latest editions) for as long as the subscription is active. Adobe recently wrote to some customers with the letter including the ... (view more)

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Chinese Hackers Infect Forbes, Spy on Visitors

Chinese spies have reportedly infected the Forbes website in order to steal data from staff at defense and finance organizations. The attack is unlike most attacks on large websites, as the motive was for intelligence, rather than profit. The Forbes ... website attack reportedly took place in November 2014, with the security gap plugged by approximately three days later. To propagate the attack, hackers replaced a legitimate file on the web server used for the "Thought of the Day" feature, which appeared on every page of the Forbes website. The malicious file was then automatically ... (view more)

Dennis Faas's picture

'Adobe Reader 11.1.0', and 'Password Security Scanner 1.20'

Adobe Reader 11.1.0 Adobe Reader is arguably the world's most popular tool for viewing Portable Document Format (PDF) files. The fast and fluid Adobe Reader also allows you to password-protect your most important PDF documents. ... Password Security Scanner 1.20 This tool can be used to scan your Windows-based computer for passwords stored by various applications, including Microsoft Outlook and Internet Explorer. It then displays vital information related to those passwords, including number of characters. This freeware software program is brought to ... (view more)

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Adobe Data Breach Far Worse Than Initially Reported

Adobe has admitted that a recent breach of its servers was far more serious than first suspected. It's now believed that the personal information of roughly 38 million users may have been stolen. The high-profile security breach could hinder Adobe's ... plans to sell its software on a subscription basis. Earlier this month, Adobe confirmed that hackers had stolen credit card records for almost three million of its customers. It also said an unknown number of usernames and passwords had been taken. But this past weekend a website posted a file that contained more than 150 million usernames and ... (view more)

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'Data Crow 3.9.23', and 'Adobe Flash Player 11.7.700.197 Beta'

Data Crow 3.9.23 Data Crow is an incredibly effective media organizer. It helps you clean up your growing media collection and makes finding that one movie, TV clip, or song easier than ever before. Data Crow is completely free and is free of all ... spyware or viruses. Adobe Flash Player 11.7.700.197 Beta Try out the newest version of Flash Player, the multimedia tool that lets you watch video and play interactive games from your favorite browser. Adobe Flash Player 11 adds several new features, including Stage 3D, Concurrency, and advanced content protection. http://www. ... (view more)

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Adobe Flaw Could Allow Hackers to Infiltrate a PC

Adobe has issued a fix for what it is calling a top-priority security flaw. The bug could allow hackers to seize control of affected machines. The update fixes problems with Adobe Reader, the software used to open and view PDF documents. It also ... affects Adobe Acrobat, the software used to create PDF files. Although Acrobat is not as popular as Reader, many people will be running at least one of the two programs. The flaws involve memory corruption and buffer flow vulnerabilities which could allow a hacker to force a computer to crash. It's a tactic that's more likely to be targeted at ... (view more)

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Adobe: Hackers Exploiting New Flash Flaw

Adobe is insisting that Mac and Windows users immediately update its Flash Player software. The company says it has just issued a new update designed to prevent hackers from exploiting two recently-discovered bugs. Adobe Flash is a multimedia and ... software platform often used by web browsers to display video, animations, and interactive games. Exploited Flaw Results in Crash By exploiting the bugs, hackers are causing serious problems. Reports indicate that it's possible for hackers to create websites that would trigger the bug and cause a user's computer to crash. That's a problem for ... (view more)


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