Kindergarten School Board Blows $200K on iPad 2

Dennis Faas's picture

Auburn, Maine school district's Auburn School Committee recently and unanimously voted to start a new pilot program that will give kindergarten kids a shiny new iPad 2. The program is all about changing -- and hopefully, advancing -- how children this age learn.

iPad Program Called a "Game Changer"

Speaking on the subject late last week, Auburn district school superintendent Tom Morrill called the plan a "game changer."

"This is truly redefining how we're going to teach and learn. We're talking about a new tool, the iPad2. You begin to watch how young people jump on, jump in and figure this thing out. It has great potential for leveling the playing field for all students." (Source:

About 285 kindergarten students will receive the iPad 2, which hasn't yet been released to the wider public. The total cost for the program will run an incredible $200,000, or $500 for each iPad.

Parents Remain Skeptical

Not everyone agrees giving five-year-olds a $500 handheld electronic device is a good idea.

"It's crazy," noted Auburn-area parent, Nicole Fortin. "I look at all of the budgetary restraints we have. Our school system loses money every year to certain things. This is a lot to put in the hands of a 5-year-old." (Source:

But Morrill says the lighter and smaller iPad won't be subject to widespread smashings, arguing that the device is a lot more durable than most laptops. Furthermore, the School Committee plans to issue protective cases for each unit in an extra attempt to reduce damages.

Morrill also believes the project will teach kids to take special care of something as valuable as an iPad 2.

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