Calculations in MS Excel Status Bar

Dennis Faas's picture

You don't always have to use a formula in MS Excel. That's right, sometimes you can just utilize the Status Bar for your calculations.

The far end of the Status Bar in MS Excel will show you calculations, displaying the results for average, count, number of numbers, maximum/minimum value, and the sum of any given range of numbers.

Follow along below:

  1. Open a new page in MS Excel.
  2. In Column A, key in numbers, one below another.
  3. Highlight the numbers.
  4. If you look at the right-hand of the Status Bar at the bottom of your screen, you will see the result.
  5. Now here is the really cool part: Right-click on the status bar where you see the result displayed. You can now select the function you want to perform.

Pretty cool uh?

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