Rock Band Date, Price Set

Dennis Faas's picture

Too lazy to get off your duff, pick up a guitar, meet some friends with purple mohawks, and form a band? Me, too. That's why it's pretty likely that Electronic Arts' "Rock Band" is going to be a hit, even if the price point seems a bit steep.

Gamer or not, you've probably heard of Guitar Hero. Like the Nintendo Wii, it's brought many casual players into the next-gen fold, offering untraditional approaches to gaming. Although Guitar Hero III is slated for this fall, it's being overshadowed by industry giant EA's Rock Band.

Rock Band, which ships November 23 for Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, uses a variety of pseudo-instruments to provide gamers with the garage experience. Now that EA has announced that gamers will be provided with a microphone, imitation Stratocaster, and mock drum kit, the only thing missing from becoming Guns 'N Roses is the booze. Oh, and maybe Axl's lame dreads.

Unfortunately, the price might be a bit steep for most gamers. Retailing at $169.99 for the next-gen systems (and $159.99 for PS2), the disc and all its parts are about three times the price of Halo 3, Project Gotham Racing 4, or Heavenly Sword. Although the title is likely to be a hit, it's almost certain most gamers will hold off on preorders just to make sure the reviews are positive. (Source:

Not sure which version to buy? PS3 owners watching Halo 3 from the sidelines can cheer up; their version includes a wireless Stratocaster guitar, while the Xbox 360's remains wired. (Source:

Despite the hefty price tag, both versions are likely to be successful. Expect this type of gameplay to take off, so long as EA doesn't disappoint.

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