Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'WebVideoCap 1.41', and 'SiteShoter 1.42'

WebVideoCap 1.41 While watching a video on your Windows computer connected to a website, you may find that you would like to save the video to your local hard drive and then play it offline later. This utility allows you to do that. With it, you can ... capture flash video files and video streams for later replay. After the entire video file is downloaded, this software saves it in the folder of your choice. You can then play it offline later, as often as you wish, using any multimedia player. SiteShoter 1.42 SiteShoter is a small utility for Windows that allows you to save ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Pro Downgrades to Windows 7, But Not XP

Microsoft has announced it will allow people who buy computers running its new Windows 8 Pro operating system (OS) to downgrade their PCs to Windows 7 or Windows Vista. However, the firm will not allow a downgrade to Windows XP. Downgrade rights ... allow consumers, at no charge, to dismiss a newer version of Windows in favor of an older edition. The wording is clear. "Instead of using the Windows 8 Pro software, you may use one of the following earlier versions: Windows 7 Professional or Windows Vista Business," the Windows 8 Pro licensing agreement reads. (Source: ) However, ... (view more)

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'MSI Afterburner 2.2.4' and 'Adobe Shockwave Player'

MSI Afterburner 2.2.4 MSI Afterburner is a Windows utility program that allows users of MSI graphics cards to easily overclock (accelerate to higher than normal speeds) their systems. Afterburner is completely free to use, and is compatible with ... most versions of MSI graphics cards. This software can also be used to display critical system information. Adobe Shockwave Player Adobe Shockwave Player gives you access to dazzling 3D games and entertainment, interactive product demonstrations, and online learning applications on your Windows computer. The Shockwave Player ... (view more)

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'MyLastSearch 1.57', and 'Light Alloy 4.6.7'

MyLastSearch 1.57 MyLastSearch is a free utility software for Windows that scans the cache and history files of your Internet browser and locates all your local search queries on search engines (such as Google, Yahoo and MSN) and social networking ... sites (such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace). All these search queries are neatly displayed in an easy-to-read table. Light Alloy 4.6.7 Light Alloy is a completely free, compact multimedia player for Windows that supports all popular multimedia formats. Features include fast video rewind, subtitles, a preview window, and support ... (view more)

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Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet: Windows 8 Pro, Office 2013

With Apple preparing to release an iPad Mini and Google capturing critical acclaim for its $199 Nexus 7 device, the current focus of prominent tablet makers appears to be on the lucrative sub-$500 segment of the market. However, popular hardware ... firm Lenovo is heading in a different direction. Its new ThinkPad Tablet 2, running Microsoft's upcoming operating system (OS), Windows 8, takes a significantly higher-priced approach. Lenovo is well-known for its durable, high-performance ThinkPad laptops marketed to business types. It plans to release its high-end ThinkPad Tablet 2 on October 26, ... (view more)

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'NetTraffic 1.19.2', and 'IECookiesView 1.74'

NetTraffic 1.19.2 NetTraffic is a tool used for monitoring network traffic (or bandwidth) in Windows operating system environments. It works with any network connection, provides a useful taskbar icon showing current network activity, and provides ... users with a review of all pertinent data that the system has collected. IECookiesView 1.74 IECookiesView is a small utility that displays the details of all the cookies that Internet Explorer is storing on your Windows computer. In addition, this software allows you to sort the list of cookies by any column you want with just a ... (view more)

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Apple iPhone Supply Threatened by Foxconn Brawl

China's Foxconn facility, which produces Apple devices like the iPhone, was recently shut down after 5,000 Chinese police were dispatched to break up a massive melee involving 2,000 factory workers. About forty people were reportedly taken to ... hospital for treatment following the incident. Foxconn may be the world's most controversial manufacturing plant. With 79,000 employees producing a wide range of popular electronic gadgets, it's an absolutely massive facility. Workers Complain of Poor Pay, Long Hours However, Foxconn has faced great change in recent months. First, employees caught media ... (view more)

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'MonitorInfoView 1.13', and 'HeliosPaint 1.5'

MonitorInfoView 1.13 MonitorInfoView is a small utility that displays essential information about your Windows computer's monitor. The information is extracted from the EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) records stored deep within your ... computer's operating system. If you login with administrator rights you can also view the monitor information of all the connected computers. HeliosPaint 1.5 HeliosPaint is a feature-rich and easy-to-use paint program for editing photos, drawings, and icons. It can run on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and Linux computers. You ... (view more)

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Microsoft Windows 8 Keyboards: Curved, Lightweight

Microsoft has unveiled its new Sculpt Comfort Keyboard and Sculpt Mobile Keyboard, both of which feature unique ergonomically curved designs. Both keyboards also improve on previous models in several ways, and are designed specifically to be ... compatible with the software giant's new Windows 8 operating system (OS), due out in late October, 2012. Good News: "Pinky Reach" Prevented The Sculpt Comfort Keyboard is an improvement on Microsoft's old Wireless Comfort Desktop 5000. The company has added a number of Windows 8 hotkeys to the design, and has made the space bar wider and split ... (view more)

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'Helicon Photo Safe 3.6', and 'CopyTrans Drivers Installer 1.018'

Helicon Photo Safe 3.6 If you like to organize your collection of digital photos into folders and subfolders, you'll like the free software utility called Helicon Photo Safe. It makes managing and curating your pictures easy and efficient. Using a ... familiar two-panel interface, the software allows you to quickly drag images from one folder to another until they're arranged exactly the way you want them. CopyTrans Drivers Installer 1.018 CopyTrans (formerly CopyPod) is a useful, free backup and recovery tool for your iPod, iPhone, and iPad. With it, you can transfer ... (view more)


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