Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'NetworkConnectLog 1.0', and 'Oxynger KeyShield Portable 1.1.0'

NetworkConnectLog 1.0 This simple utility allows you to to constantly monitor your local area network. It adds a new log line every time a new computer or other device connects to your favorite network. You can then export the information to an XML ... or HTML file. Oxynger KeyShield Portable 1.1.0 Oxynger KeyShield Portable is designed to protect your sensitive information from keyloggers. That allows you to keep a tight hold on your passwords, credit card data, online banking information, and more. KeyShield is simple, easy to use, and features an intuitive interface. ... (view more)

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'doPDF 7.3.392', and 'Redditor'

doPDF 7.3.392 Looking for a free Portable Document Format (PDF) converter? Then look no further than doPDF. Once installed this program allows you to convert any type of file to PDF. This program is compatible with most versions of Windows. ... Redditor This cool new application provides users with a unique Reddit experience. How so? It presents you with a single Reddit stream and intuitive content previews. Simply hover over a post to see the preview. It's a must try for frequent Reddit users. This freeware software program is brought to you by ... (view more)

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Rupert Murdoch Takes On Google Via Twitter

The head of News Corp and conservative television network Fox News is calling on someone, anyone, to "expose" Internet giant Google. Rupert Murdoch made that request in a recent tweet. Sunday evening Murdoch had this to say via popular social ... networking site Twitter: "Please expose Eric Schmidt, Google etc. Just wait!" Apparently feeling guilty about the post, Murdoch followed up on his initial tweet by writing "Oops! Better ignore last tweet." Reason For Targeting Google Unclear Murdoch hasn't specifically attacked Google in the past, so it's not entirely clear why he made the declaration. ... (view more)

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'Startup Sentinel', and 'KeePassDroid 1.99.1'

Startup Sentinel Startup Sentinel can help you improve your system's performance by carefully managing the startup process. It gives you a list of the software that runs at startup and allows you to place programs on either a "whitelist" or ... a "blacklist". KeePassDroid 1.99.1 Remembering a lot of passwords is a huge pain in the butt. Make things easier with KeePassDroid, a version of the popular KeePass program specially designed for devices running Google's Android mobile operating system. This freeware ... (view more)

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Facebook Kills Privacy Protection Feature

Facebook is killing a privacy feature designed to restrict who can find users through the social networking site's search tool. The firm defended the move by saying only a small percentage of its members actually used the feature. The feature, which ... is called "Who can look up my Timeline by name?", allowed Facebook users to customize who could find their profile through a search of the social network's database. For people who wanted to keep their profile information off-limits to employers, strangers, and enemies, it was deemed a highly useful feature. 'Small Percentage' Could Include ... (view more)

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'PilotEdit Lite 6.4.0', and 'TagScanner 5.1.64'

PilotEdit Lite 6.4.0 PilotEdit Lite is a handy and completely free text, XML, HTML, PHP, Java, and Perl editor that's capable of editing files as big as 10 gigabytes. It's compatible with most versions of the Windows operating system and works on ... both 32- and 64-bit systems. TagScanner 5.1.64 Have a messy digital music collection? Clean it up with TagScanner, a multifunction organizing tool for all of the music stored on your computer. It can edit audio tags, rename files based on tag and stream information, and generate tag data from file names. ... (view more)

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Apple's iPhone 5S Suffers 'Blue Screen of Death'

Thought the dreaded "Blue Screen of Death" (BSoD) only affected Windows computers? Not quite. According to reports, Apple's newest version of the iPhone, the iPhone 5S , can also suffer BSoD. The Blue Screen of Death is an error screen that appears ... after a system crash. On Windows-based computers the BSoD appears when a system encounters an error from which it cannot recover. In most cases, the only way to reclaim control of the system is to initiate a hard reboot. That often results in the loss of any unsaved data and a whole lot of cursing by the user. No Single Explanation for iPhone ... (view more)

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Google to Place User Photos, Info in Ads

Facebook recently took heat from users upset with the company's claim that it could use members' photographs for advertising purposes without asking permission. Despite that outrage, Google is now implementing a similar policy. According to reports, ... users of Google's own social networking service, Google+, could soon see their pictures placed in advertisements. Those same users will not be consulted before these ads are made or compensated once the ads are placed online. Google Puts Positive Spin on New Terms of Service In a recent statement Google said that, through a new terms of service ... (view more)

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'Daphne 1.54', and 'Windows Firewall Control'

Daphne 1.54 This small system tray application allows you to control, debug, and -- if necessary -- kill processes running in the Windows operating system. It's a handy alternative to the Windows task manager that allows you to quickly and easily ... terminate a process. Windows Firewall Control This handy little application extends the functionality of Microsoft's Windows Firewall. It gives you quicker access to Windows Firewall's most popular options. It runs in the system tray, making it quick and easy to access from the desktop. This ... (view more)

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Service Links Patients with Doctors Via Video Chat

A new service aims to connect people with a real doctor through their Internet-connected device. It's called telemedicine, and for some people it could be the most efficient way to receive a diagnosis and access a prescription. The service is being ... offered by American Well, which says it's the first company to connect patients to doctors via live video chat sessions. American Well (AW) is by no means the first 'telemedicine' company -- Teladoc, First Stop Health, and Apogee Doctor On Call all connect patients with doctors using a phone line -- but AW is the first firm to allow medical ... (view more)


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