Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

Consumers Wowed by Samsung at CES Summit

According to a recent report, Korean-based hardware producer Samsung appears to have drawn the most interest amongst those following the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. The CES summit is one of the biggest tech-enthusiast shows of ... its kind and only happens once a year, every January. The findings in the report are a bit surprising, given that Samsung made little mention of tablet computers, which happens to be one of the most dominant topic at this year's CES. Instead, Samsung focused most of its effort at touting upcoming television technology, including 3-dimensional TVs ... (view more)

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'Sys Information', and 'ChromePlus'

Sys Information Sys Information is a sleek program for viewing system information, such as CPU usage, hard drive free space, motherboard information, Windows installation date, Processor name, graphics card information, and much more. ... ChromePlus ChromePlus is a twist on Google's Chrome web browser. It has all the functionalities that Google Chrome has, but ads more features such as Mouse gesture, Super drag, IE tab, and more. This freeware software program is brought to you by The Original Spyware-Free ... (view more)

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'Spiceworks IT Desktop 5.0.60932.0', and 'DesktopOK 2.31'

Spiceworks IT Desktop 5.0.60932.0 Available in a variety of languages, Spiceworks' IT Desktop combines a single, easy-to-use interface which features Network Inventory, Help Desk, Mapping, Reporting, Monitoring and Troubleshooting. And, it connects ... you with other IT pros to share ideas, and solve problems. DesktopOK 2.31 Quickly and easily save and restore the positions of icons on your desktop. DesktopOK is a small but effective solution for users that have to change their screen resolution often. This freeware software program is brought ... (view more)

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Young Kids Shouldn't Use New Game System, Says Nintendo

Are your kids excited about the new Nintendo 3DS, the upcoming portable 3D gaming system? Well, if they're under six, it may be time to break some bad news to the little tykes. The Nintendo DS is Nintendo's very popular portable gaming system and to ... date, the best-selling gaming system in the industry's history. It is particularly popular amongst young children, who love the DS' family-friendly titles. Traditional 2D games are presented on two touchscreens, allowing for a variety of different gameplay styles. U.S. Release Date Unknown, Price About $300 The 3DS is a bit different. Without ... (view more)

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New Windows Exploit Opens Door to Total System Takeover

Microsoft has confirmed that a zero-day vulnerability exists in Windows XP, Vista, as well as Server 2003 and Server 2008. The bug, which first emerged in mid-December 2010, has evolved since the exploit was posted publicly. The bug was first ... discussed on December 15 at a security conference in South Korea. Since no one had yet exploited the vulnerability, there was not significant cause for concern. That's changed now that researcher Joshua Drake has released an exploit module via open-source penetration testing project, Metasploit. Exploit Opens Door to Total System Takeover Metasploit has ... (view more)

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'myWIFIzone 5.0', and 'AppRemover'

myWIFIzone 5.0 MyWIFIzone can easily convert your wireless network into a WIFI hotspot. It runs on any Windows 2000 or XP computer connected to your network so you do not need to buy expensive hardware or reconfigure your router. ... AppRemover AppRemover enables thorough uninstallation of security applications like antivirus and antispyware from your computer, quickly and easily. This freeware software program is brought to you by The Original Spyware-Free Download Site, in partnership with Disclaimer: ... (view more)

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'ComicRack 0.9.134', and 'HandBrake 0.9.5'

ComicRack 0.9.134 ComicRack is a program that reads comics on your computer. It provides fast navigation, auto scrolling, auto rotation, dynamic zooming, automatic page fitting, magnifier, manga mode, full screen reading, dual screen support, and ... multi-tab interface. ComicRack is one of the best eComic reader and manager for Windows computers. It is an all-in-one solution to read and manage your eComic library. It is actively maintained, has a strong user base and is free. HandBrake 0.9.5 HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multi-platform, multi-licensed, ... (view more)

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Microsoft Restores Lost Hotmail Accounts

For the past few days, Microsoft's Windows Live support forums have been lit up by complaints of frustrated users who recently encountered emptied email inboxes, sent, and deleted folders upon accessing their Hotmail accounts. Microsoft on Sunday ... admitted many of its Hotmail accounts had been inexplicably wiped clean , and many experts speculated that the accounts were unlikely to be repair. Microsoft has since announced that the majority of email accounts have been restored to normal working order, but user complaints continue to be filed online forums. (Source: ) Contacts Spammed ... (view more)

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McAfee Security Releases 2011 Threat Predictions Report

Security company McAfee Labs recently released their 2011 Threat Predictions report, where they foresee cyber criminals turning their attention to three specific attack vectors in the coming year. An attack vector is "a path or means by which a ... hacker (or cracker) can gain access to a computer or network server in order to deliver a payload or malicious outcome. Attack vectors enable hackers to exploit system vulnerabilities, including the human element." (Source: ) Most specifically, Google TV, the Apple iPhone, and Foursquare: a location-based social networking ... (view more)

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Hotmail Glitch Wipes Out Entire User Accounts

Users of Microsoft's Hotmail email service weren't welcomed by holiday greetings from their friends this past weekend. In fact, they didn't get any messages at all. Recent reports state that many users of the service found their entire email history ... deleted without warning. The deletions don't appear to be a few select cases. Instead, a significant number of Hotmail users complained of the issue on Microsoft's Windows Live support web forum. Those affected by the problem are reporting that their "Sent," "Deleted," and "Inbox" folders have been completely wiped out. Entire Hotmail Accounts ... (view more)


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