Brandon Dimmel

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Kids Should Be Allowed on Facebook, Says CEO

Should kids be allowed to use Facebook? Facebook Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Zuckerberg doesn't see anything wrong with it, despite concerns that they might be exploited through a social networking platform known for its controversial privacy ... policies. 7.5 Million Kids Under 13 Already Use Facebook Zuckerberg took on the issue at the recent NewSchools Summit, where a Consumer Reports finding that approximately 7.5 million kids under 13 had lied about their age in order to create Facebook accounts was at the center of much discussion. In a presentation, Zuckerberg revealed that he ... (view more)

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'TeamSpeak 3.0.0 RC1', and 'AceMoney Lite 4.18'

TeamSpeak 3.0.0 RC1 TeamSpeak is a program that allows you to have voice communication over your PC. Maximize online collaboration with firewall friendly file transfer or use hierarchical permissions system for superior control of your social ... network. AceMoney Lite 4.18 AceMoney makes it easy to create and manage budgets, juggle finances in multiple currencies, track spending habits, record expenses, transfer among accounts, and do on-line banking. Many other features are instantly usable without prior experience in accounting! The lite version is free (scroll down ... (view more)

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Microsoft Offers Free Xbox 360 with Win7 PC

Microsoft is gearing up to help university students get homework done while also getting their game on by offering a free Xbox 360 game console with the purchase of a $699 Windows 7 PC. It's a very good deal, indeed. In its recent announcement of ... the offer, Microsoft revealed that between May 22 and September 3, 2011, students with a .edu email address confirming their student status will be able to get an Xbox 360 if they buy a computer running Windows 7 priced at $699 or more through,,, or a number of brick and mortar retail locations like Best Buy. (Source: ... (view more)

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Sony Offers Free Video Games in Hindsight of PSN Hack

U.S. and Canadian PlayStation Network (PSN) users will soon get access to free game and video downloads as a sort-of reparation payment for this past month's arduous outage. Sony is slowly bringing all of its users back online in the wake of a ... massive hack that left PlayStation 3 gamers without access to the PSN online network. The news comes right from Sony itself, which made the announcement about free games and video downloads on its official PlayStation blog Monday evening. For a period of 30 days following the full reactivation of PSN, Sony will offer both PlayStation 3 (PS3) and ... (view more)

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'Startup Delayer 3.0.296', and 'SpaceSniffer'

Startup Delayer 3.0.296 Startup Delayer gives you the power to optimize your Startup Process by delaying applications from starting up as soon as you log into your computer. By delaying the applications during start up, your computer spends less ... time loading files back-and-forth on various locations of the hard drive, and thus, becomes usable a lot faster after boot. Startup Delayer will then start launching your delayed applications when your computer is more idle. SpaceSniffer SpaceSniffer is a freeware and portable tool application that gives you an idea of how ... (view more)

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Rough Start for PlayBook as RIM Issues Recall

It's only been a few weeks since Canadian tech company Research in Motion (RIM) shipped its PlayBook tablet , a direct rival to Apple's ubiquitous iPad. And while buzz surrounding RIM's device has led to decent sales, a recent report announcing a ... PlayBook recall is unlikely to spur further momentum in an already tough market. In a statement issued Monday, Waterloo, Ontario-based RIM admitted that it was issuing a recall for 1,000 PlayBook tablet computers, citing operating system (OS) problems. The company noted that the issue "may result in the devices unable to properly load software ... (view more)

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'EVACopy 5.0', and 'iPhoneExplorer'

EVACopy 5.0 EVACopy is a backup program that has easy restoration in mind. It's light-weight, portable (no setup required, no dependencies, no repository, no database), easily deployed to multiple workstations, simple to use and ideal for home ... users. iPhoneExplorer With the iPhone Explorer you can look into the file system of your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch to down- and upload files by USB connection, regardless of file format. With this function you can use your iPhone/iPad/iPod as an "external disk". The program supports direct access to photos, ... (view more)

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PSN Outage Leads to PS3 Sales Slide

According to recent reports, sales of the Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) video game console slipped considerably following the hacking of the PlayStation Network (PSN) . Sources say many retailers are finding consumers trading in their PS3s for Xbox 360s, ... a console built by industry rival, Microsoft. "[With just a few] days into the month and already we have an increase of 200% in PS3s coming into the store compared to all of March," said Tom Mestdagh, a representative for Belgian video game retailer, Gameswap. "Normally we sell them really fast, but not this time." (Source: ) Pre- ... (view more)

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'VirtualBox 4.0.8 Build 71778', and 'Story Lite 1.1'

VirtualBox 4.0.8 Build 71778 VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware created by Sun Microsystems. Virtualization essentially allows you to ' sandbox ' your software. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, VirtualBox ... is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software. Story Lite 1.1 Story Lite is a free flexible text and image editor with multiple editing boxes, unique layout, 3D zoom and color effects. For Windows, Mac and Linux (soon). It is useful for ideas, notes, complete ... (view more)

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'Miro 4.0 Internet TV Viewer RC 1', and 'Data Crow 3.9.7'

Miro 4.0 Internet TV Viewer RC 1 Miro 4.0 is an open-source, non-profit Internet TV viewing program. It has a unique, elegant, and seamless user interface that makes watching Internet TV easier than ever before. Miro provides an extremely useful, ... built-in content guide that features thousands of free video feeds (many in HD) and streaming video sites. Data Crow 3.9.7 Data Crow is a media cataloger and media organizer. If you've always wanted to manage all your collections with one software program, Data Crow may be what you need. This freeware ... (view more)


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