Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'RetroShare 0.5.3b', and 'WinMemory 1.0'

RetroShare 0.5.3b RetroShare is an open source, cross-platform, private and secure decentralized communications platform designed to let you securely chat and share files with your friends and family. Best of all, RetroShare does not require an ... internet server in order to function. This means that, unlike other messenger software, you don't need to complete any of those annoying registration forms in order to use it. WinMemory 1.0 WinMemory is a handy piece of software that provides vital information about the status of your computer's memory and central ... (view more)

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'BatteryCare', and 'Microsoft Device Center Beta 1.0.406.0'

BatteryCare BatteryCare is a software program created to optimize the performance of a modern laptop's battery. It monitors the battery's discharge cycles and helps increase its lifespan. It also monitors battery and CPU temperature, allows ... for quick or automatic power plan switching, and offers other battery related services. Microsoft Device Center Beta 1.0.406.0 Microsoft Device Center is a new Beta application that helps you get the most out of your Microsoft keyboard and mouse. With this software in place, you can tailor the workings of your mouse and ... (view more)

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NASA Cyber Attacks On The Increase: Report

According to NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration), in recent years, it has become an increasingly popular target for high-tech hackers. In 2007 and 2008, China was suspected to have hacked into NASA satellites , though no formal ... evidence linking China to the attacks has been brought forward. The agency says its systems were hacked approximately thirteen times in 2011 alone. "The threat to NASA's information security is persistent and ever-changing," noted Congressman Paul Braun at a recent meeting of the House Science, Space and Technology subcommittee. "Unless NASA is ... (view more)

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PlayBook Update Allows Android Apps, Many Fixes

Research in Motion (RIM), best known for its BlackBerry smartphone, has recently released a highly-anticipated software update for its struggling PlayBook tablet computer. The updates help to resolve interactive features of the device. The PlayBook ... was first launched in April, 2011, in an attempt to siphon off sales from the iPad. Unfortunately, it sold just 500,000 units in its first quarter of availability, only 250,000 units in the next quarter, and a disappointing 150,000 units in its third quarter. (Source: ) Email Issues, Lack of Apps Kept Down PlayBook Sales Several factors ... (view more)

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Apple Unveils New iPad 3, Due March 16

Apple unveiled its highly-anticipated iPad 3 at a major press event on Wednesday, March 7, 2012, and analysts immediately began predicting that the device will help the Cupertino-based firm retain its hold on the nascent tablet-computing market. ... This third version of the ubiquitous iPad boasts several new features. First, the device has received a major bump up in its display capabilities, with a resolution of 2038x1536. In comparison, Blu-Ray movies are displayed in a resolution of 1920x1080. Apple says that the new iPad 3 tablet will be capable of displaying more than 3.1 million pixels. ... (view more)

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'Simply Slideshow 1.0.35', and 'Spicebird 0.8'

Simply Slideshow 1.0.35 Simply Slideshow cuts the frills and allows you to make simple, straight-forward but fast-loading slideshows, quickly and easily. Tens of thousands of photographs can be integrated into each slideshow with this tool. Note: ... the download is stored through CNET. Spicebird 0.8 Spicebird provides integrated email, calendaring and instant messaging with an intuitive user interface. It runs on either Windows or Linux. Spicebird is a collaboration application, which means it is built on top of various other open source software projects, mainly the ... (view more)

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Yahoo to Lay Off Thousands, Says Report

A new industry insider report suggests Yahoo may be preparing for a major corporate overhaul that could result in thousands of employees losing their jobs, possibly before the end of March, 2012. Right now the company employs more than 14,000 people ... worldwide. While the report has received no official confirmation from Yahoo, analysts familiar with the company believe the rumor probably contains more truth than fiction. The report comes from "AllThingsD", an online publication that "specializes in technology and startup company news, analysis and coverage." (Source: ... (view more)

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'Chasys Draw IES 3.70.01', and 'PAExec'

Chasys Draw IES 3.70.01 Chasys Draw IES is a suite of applications that allow you to edit digital images of all kinds. The entire suite is designed to take advantage of the extra power and convenience of multi-core processors, touch-screens and ... pen-input devices. This latest version is absolutely free. PAExec PAExec lets you launch Windows programs on remote Windows computers without first having to install the software on that distant computer. You can use PAExec for controlling a remote computer, doing remote installs of new software, checking remote ... (view more)

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HP Win8 Tablets Could be Ready by Summer: Report

Major PC maker Hewlett-Packard (better known as HP) is reportedly working on a number of tablet computers and hybrid devices based on the upcoming Windows 8 operating system (OS) from Microsoft. A recent presentation by the company's chief executive ... officer (CEO) suggests such gadgets could be available by the 2012 holiday season, or even sooner. During a recent earnings conference call, HP CEO Meg Whitman made reference to her company's plans to soon unveil Windows 8 tablets and related devices. The following day, she elaborated on this point, adding that HP would most likely use both the ... (view more)

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'USBDeview 2.05', and 'ProcessThreadsView 1.05'

USBDeview 2.05 USBDeview is a small utility that lists all USB devices currently connected to your computer, as well as all USB devices that you have previously used, all with lots of detail. USBDeview also allows you to safely disconnect any of the ... USB devices that are currently connected to your computer. ProcessThreadsView 1.05 ProcessThreadsView is a small utility that displays extensive information about the various processes currently operating within your computer. When you select an individual thread in the software upper display pane, its lower pane immediately ... (view more)


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