Brandon Dimmel

Dennis Faas's picture

'Google Drive 1.0', and 'Elpis 0.9.5'

Google Drive 1.0 Google Drive is a relatively new, free online service that gives you "cloud" storage for all your Internet-connected devices. Retrieve any file you've stored in the cloud whenever, wherever you want it. The Google system starts with ... 5 GB of storage at no charge. You can pay for more, if and when you want it. Connect with any of your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android devices. You must register, and provide and email address, then wait a brief period, before using Google Drive for the first time. Elpis 0.9.5 Elpis is a free and open source ... (view more)

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Microsoft: Conficker Worm Still a Major Threat

Weak security passwords and overlooked security updates have kept Conficker, a malware 'worm' first reported in 2008, alive and well. According to Microsoft, Conficker has not only survived, it is steadily infecting more corporate networks all the ... time. The Conficker worm was first detected in November, 2008. It targeted networks and tried to penetrate them by guessing at their login passwords. At this, it was surprisingly successful. The main reason for its success was that so many business users employ extremely weak passwords, including '12345', the word 'Password' and the default password ... (view more)

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Microsoft Active in Windows 8 Ultrabook Design

Microsoft is reportedly taking a more active role than ever before in the development of hardware for planned touchscreen Windows 8 ultrabooks. It's a change of strategy for a company that usually keeps to the software side of the business. ... Ultrabooks are slowly emerging as a popular new form factor for consumers who are showing remarkable interest in a light, portable laptop but who are not willing to compromise on performance and storage space. Although Apple's MacBook Air fits the description, the term 'ultrabook' is most often associated with Windows-based computer systems. Clamshell ... (view more)

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'Yale 1.08', and 'File Grinder 0.1.2'

Yale 1.08 The handy and easy-to-use program Yale shows the amount of bandwidth (the quantity of data being transmitted and received) by all of your network adapters. It also displays information related to your computer's CPU usage and the data ... transfer rate of your computer's disk storage system. The information is immediately available when you click on any of your computer's network adapter listings: they will immediately expand and display the data you seek. File Grinder 0.1.2 File Grinder is a free utility program for renaming, copying, and moving many files at ... (view more)

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Apple Macs Could Be Spreading Windows Malware

Prominent security firm Sophos has discovered that approximately one out of every five Mac computers is infected with Windows malware. And while such infections pose little threat to the Macs themselves, they could spread to Windows computers. The ... report is the result of Sophos' work in analyzing the contents of about 100,000 Apple Macintosh computers, using the company's own anti-virus software for the Mac world. The analysis shows that 20 per cent of the computers are carrying some kind of Windows-oriented malware. About 2.7 per cent of the Mac computers, or about one in thirty-seven of the ... (view more)

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'WebSiteSniffer 1.15', and 'DragonDisk 1.0'

WebSiteSniffer 1.15 WebSiteSniffer is a packet sensing tool that captures all the web site files downloaded by your browser and stores them on your hard drive. You can choose any file location that suits you. While it is capturing the website files, ... the main window of WebSiteSniffer displays a number of statistics that show technical details about each of the web sites. DragonDisk 1.0 DragonDisk is a powerful file manager designed to work with S3-compatible cloud storage services, such as Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage. This free software allows you to back up, ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Tablet PCs: More Than 30 Due by 2013

According to a new report, by the end of this year consumers should be able to choose from more than thirty different tablet computers running Windows 8, with a wide variety of form factors and capabilities, and prices ranging from $300 to $1,000. ... Taiwanese technology blog 'Digitimes' reports that tablet makers Dell, Lenovo, Acer, Hewlett-Packard (HP), Asus, and Toshiba should be offering some thirty-two different Windows 8 tablets by the 2012 holiday shopping season. (Source: ) ARM-Based Tablets to Wait Until 2013 Digitimes doesn't name its sources, but claims that every ... (view more)

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'Microsoft SkyDrive 16.4', and 'All-in-One Sidebar 0.7.15'

Microsoft SkyDrive 16.4 The new, free SkyDrive from Microsoft gives you automatic access to your files from almost every device: PCs, Macs, tablet computers and mobiles. Download the software now and you'll also get easy access to a variety of ... Microsoft programs, including OneNote, Handyscan, and Xobni. All-in-One Sidebar 0.7.15 All-in-One Sidebar (AiOS) is an ingenious control tool that makes the Firefox web browser far more powerful and convenient. Once it's installed on your computer, you can simply click on the left edge of your browser window to display downloads, ... (view more)

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'MP3 Quality Modifier 2.32', and 'Synergy 1.4.8 Beta'

MP3 Quality Modifier 2.32 MP3 Quality Modifier is an easy-to-use utility program that changes the quality of your MP3 files to conserve disk space or to fit more music on your MP3 player. The program also helps you adjust all your audio files to a ... consistent level of audio quality. These changes do not affect each file's tags and other identifiers, such as artist name, track number, and so forth. Synergy 1.4.8 Beta Synergy is a software utility that allows you to share a single mouse and keyboard among multiple computers. Just move your mouse off the edge of one ... (view more)

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DNSChanger Malware Kills Internet Connection: FBI

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says that computers infected with a particular type of malware could lose their Internet connections this coming summer. Fortunately, there appears to be relatively simple solution for the problem. According ... to the FBI, computers infected with the malware called "DNSChanger," which first emerged in 2007 and which has since infected millions of computers worldwide, could go offline in July, 2012, until repaired. Cybercriminals Have Re-Routed Internet Traffic Normally, when a computer user enters a web address into their browser, their computer ... (view more)


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