Brandon Dimmel

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Hackers Steal Millions of Social Network Passwords

Business-oriented social networking site LinkedIn has been hacked. According to new reports, hackers infiltrated the site's systems and stole an estimated 6.5 million passwords. LinkedIn is a social media platform designed with business users in ... mind. It allows members to find past and present colleagues, to search for new jobs, and exchange advice and expertise with workers in their field. It's estimated that approximately 161 million people have LinkedIn accounts, which means that it's no surprise this most recent security breach has caught the attention of many social media users. Stolen ... (view more)

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'XnConvert 1.2', and 'StressMyPC 1.12'

XnConvert 1.2 XnView is software that can be used to view and convert image files and is really simple to use. It's absolutely free and supports more than 400 graphics formats. This program is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. ... StressMyPC 1.12 StressMyPC is stress-testing software. It can be used to test the longevity of your laptop's battery life, to test the durability of overclocked systems, and to test the reliability of portable and internal hard drives. StressMyPC does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop. http://www. ... (view more)

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Facebook Stock Down 32%; Site Dead by 2020?

Two weeks ago, social networking site Facebook made headline news by taking its stock public . Immediately afterwards, analysts began debating whether the stock was a winner or a loser. Now, one analyst says people should stay away from Facebook ... stock; in fact, he has gone so far as to suggest that the entire Facebook enterprise could disappear by the year 2020. According to Ironfire Capital founder Eric Jackson, Facebook's difficulties in making the transition into the mobile market will prove to be its undoing. In Facebook's place will arise entirely new companies that will succeed by more ... (view more)

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'MycView 1.5.4', and 'SlimBoat 1.0.8'

MycView 1.5.4 This free utility program allows you to view images on your computer without having to use a mouse. Instead, you can employ special keyboard commands to navigate through all your stored picture files. Once you get it set up and ... running, the program automatically presents a full-screen slide show of all pictures stored in whatever directory you have selected. SlimBoat 1.0.8 SlimBoat is a free web browser that is fast, secure and loaded with powerful features. Based on the light-weight webkit rendering engine, SlimBoat is available in versions for a variety of ... (view more)

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'Everything', and 'Speaktoit Assistant for Android'

Everything Everything is software that functions as an administrative tool to instantly locate files and folders on your computer by filename. Unlike the standard Windows search capability, however, Everything initially displays every file ... and folder on your computer (hence the name "Everything"). You simply type in the file name information that interests you, and that data becomes a search filter to limit the files and folders that are displayed. Speaktoit Assistant for Android The Speaktoit Assistant is a software-based voice recognition ... (view more)

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Hackers Fake Microsoft Update; Spread Malware

Cyber-crooks have reportedly used fake Microsoft credentials to spread the new Flame malware. In response, Microsoft has issued an 'emergency security advisory', along with a guide telling people how to protect their computer systems and networks. ... The Flame virus is a bit unusual, in that it is designed to steal data rather than corrupt or take down computer systems. Described by researchers at Kaspersky Lab as a "complete attack toolkit," the Flame virus is considered by many to be an even bigger security threat than the massive Stuxnet worm, which it closely resembles. Flame Masquerades as ... (view more)

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Internet Explorer 10 Won't Track Users: Microsoft

Two weeks ago Twitter made headlines by announcing a new "Do Not Track" feature that prevented the service from collecting information about the online behavior of its many users. Now, Microsoft has unveiled a similar plan for the next edition of ... its popular web browser, Internet Explorer. According to a blog entry written by Microsoft Chief Privacy Officer Brendon Lynch, Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) -- which is expected to launch alongside Windows 8 later this year -- will by default be set to avoid collecting data about the online activity of its users. Microsoft Says Privacy Setting Is ... (view more)

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'NetBalancer 5.1.5', and 'FreeFileSync 5.4'

NetBalancer 5.1.5 NetBalancer is an internet traffic control and monitoring tool designed for Windows. You can use NetBalancer to set your preferred download / upload transfer rate priority for any applications you use, and also monitor their ... internet traffic. Applications that you assign a higher network priority will be allowed more traffic bandwidth on your computer than those you give a lower one. FreeFileSync 5.4 FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization tool providing highly optimized performance and usability without needless user interface ... (view more)

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Windows 8 Release Preview Available Now

Microsoft has just announced that the Release Preview edition of its upcoming Windows 8 operating system (OS) is now available for download. This is generally considered the last build of the OS prior to its official launch, expected this fall. But ... don't confuse this version of the new OS with the Consumer Preview, which Microsoft released back in February, 2012. The Release Preview is generally considered much closer to the final product that will actually hit store shelves. Performance Improved, Apps Added There have been a few additions and improvements to the new OS since the Consumer ... (view more)

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Verizon Doubling Broadband Internet Speed: Report

Verizon has announced that it will double the download speed of its top-tier broadband service. Observers regard this as a somewhat startling announcement, given that this service is already considered the fastest in the United States. According to ... reports, Verizon subscribers who sign up for its top service will soon have access to download speeds ranging up to 300 megabits per second (Mbps) and upload speeds of 65 Mbps. Download Movies in Two Minutes To put these data transfer speeds into context, reports the LA Times, subscribers to this faster broadband service will be able to download a ... (view more)


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